South-Central PA Regional Taxpayer Event

26 September 2009

Dear Friends,

The school property tax elimination event that was sponsored by the northeast region groups of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Taxpayer Associations on Thursday, September 24, was a great success, with many attendees and terrific newspaper and radio coverage. One newspaper account of the meeting is here.

Now for our next event…

The School Property Tax Elimination Act (SPTEA) will be the topic of a public meeting that is being sponsored by our Perry County taxpayer group, Citizens for the Elimination of Property Taxes, a member the statewide grassroots PCTA.

The event will be held on Thursday, October 1 at 7:00 PM in the Duncannon EMS Banquet Hall, 16 Shermanta Drive, Duncannon, PA. An introduction will be given by Perry County’s Citizens for the Elimination of Property Taxes, details of the School Property Tax Elimination Act will be presented by the plan’s prime sponsor, State Representative Sam Rohrer, and I’ll be there to talk about the politics of the plan and how taxpayers can help to make the SPTEA a reality. There will be a question and answer session following the presentation.

Taxpayers from throughout the south-central area of Pennsylvania are strongly encouraged to attend this regional meeting to learn about how the SPTEA can relieve their property tax burden, the politics of the plan’s enactment, and ways they can help to make this legislation a reality. Of course, you’re welcome to attend no matter where you live if you’re willing to make the drive!

Please plan to attend this event and bring others with you. And please forward this e-mail to anyone you know who is concerned about the property tax situation in Pennsylvania.

We hope to see you there!

David Baldinger
PTCC Administrator

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